Imagine a school

                       where children don't learn

...that their economic and cultural backgrounds are a division. Instead, they glory in it -- learning side-by-side how to be comfortable and competent in many settings regardless of class, race, or language.

Imagine a school that is creating world natives -- Young minds, from wildly different backgrounds, that are equipped to take on challenges and resolve dilemmas with intellect, creativity, resourcefulness and empathy (and do it all in at least two languages).

It is all happening at La Paz Community School but it is only possible with a scholarship fund. The Scholarship Program is essential to our mission. Without accommodating all socioeconomic levels, the vision of a community school would be impossible to fulfill. The mission of La Paz is achieved through the vibrant mix of our 300+ student body.

Students at La Paz not only move back and forth between English and Spanish, they navigate cultures. True cross-cultural exploration is not always easy, but when students explore outside their comfort zone they ultimately gain a greater worldview.

Our scholarship fund provides a world-class, International Baccalaureate accredited, dual-language K-12 education to local, high-potential students from poor backgrounds. Currently funding 40 students, La Paz wants to fund more. With their education experience at La Paz, scholarship students are equipped to break the cycle of poverty within their families and community by hurdling the socioeconomic barriers that foster instability and dire social problems.

Imagine having nothing, then in one moment being handed the keys to lead your community and world to a brighter future. The La Paz Community School scholarship program is doing just that.

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